Surgery at last!!

Surgery at last!!

On Monday the 27th of November 2023, I was finally admitted into hospital for my surgery. This surgery would get rid of my PMDD symptoms and also the chronic pain in my pelvis which I had been suffering with for almost 12 years. The chronic pain, the gynaecologist thought was endometriosis related (although this hadn't been investigated by previous gynae).

I had a total Laparoscopic hysterectomy Bilateral salpingo oophorectomy, which went very well. The surgeon didn't find any trace of endometriosis but did find that I had a very angry inflamed womb. This was adenomyosis, this was the culprit causing me chronic pain all this time, the pain that felt like all my insides were twisted, it was such an indescribable constant pain. Thankfully as part of the surgery my womb was removed so hopefully that will be the end of the chronic pain. I also woke up after surgery feeling like a heavy weight had been lifted, a lighter mental load. Hopefully after my recovery I should be in a much better place both physically and mentally.

I am so excited and hungry for the future, both of these conditions caused me to out my life on hold for far too long! Bring on 2024!

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